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Sign an Arbitrary Message

The signArbitrary and verifyArbitrary APIs enable off-chain proof of account ownership and message verification, adhering to the ADR-36 specification.


Function Signatures

This method allows you to request an ADR-36-compliant signature, primarily used for off-chain account ownership proofs. The signature is generated based on the provided data.

chainId: string,
signer: string,
data: string | Uint8Array
): Promise<StdSignature>;


chainIdstringThe chain ID of the chain for which the signature is being requested.
signerstringThe Bech32 address of the account that will sign the message.
datastring | Uint8ArrayThe arbitrary message to sign. If provided as a string, it will be displayed as plain text in the confirmation popup.

Return Value

It returns a Promise<StdSignature> that resolves to the signature object.

StdSignature Interface

interface StdSignature {
readonly pub_key: PubKey;
readonly signature: string;

Example Usage

const chainId = "cosmoshub-4";
const signer = "cosmos1...";
const data = "This is a test message";

const signature = await keplr.signArbitrary(chainId, signer, data);
console.log("Generated Signature:", signature);

It displays the popup as follows:

Keplr - Sign Arbitrary Example

ADR-36 Signing with signAmino

If you use the signAmino API with a sign doc formatted to meet ADR-36 requirements, it functions equivalently to signArbitrary. The required sign doc format is as follows:

  1. Message Requirements:

    • The message should be a single message of type "sign/MsgSignData".
    • The message must include:
      • "signer": The account performing the signature.
      • "data": The message content, encoded in Base64.
  2. Sign Doc Fields:

    • chain_id: Must be an empty string ("").
    • memo: Must be an empty string ("").
    • account_number: Must be "0".
    • sequence: Must be "0".
    • fee: Must be { gas: "0", amount: [] }.

Essential details about signAmino can be found in Amino Signing section in "Sign a Message" page.

Example Usage

const adr36SignData = async (chainId, signerAddress, message) => {
// Base64 encode the message as required by ADR-36
const base64Data = Buffer.from(message).toString("base64");

// Create a sign doc compliant with ADR-36
const signDoc = {
chain_id: "",
account_number: "0",
sequence: "0",
fee: { gas: "0", amount: [] },
memo: "",
msgs: [
type: "sign/MsgSignData",
value: {
signer: signerAddress,
data: base64Data,

const signResponse = await keplr.signAmino(chainId, signerAddress, signDoc);

console.log("Signed Document:", signResponse.signed);
console.log("Signature:", signResponse.signature);

return signResponse;


Function Signatures

This method verifies the result of an ADR-36 signature generated via the signArbitrary or signAmino API. verifyArbitrary is designed for simple usage and verifies the signature of the currently selected account only.


Recommendation: Use the verifyADR36Amino function from the @keplr-wallet/cosmos package or implement your own verification logic for more robust use cases.

chainId: string,
signer: string,
data: string | Uint8Array,
signature: StdSignature
): Promise<boolean>;


chainIdstringThe chain ID of the chain for which the signature was created.
signerstringThe Bech32 address of the account used to create the signature.
datastring | Uint8ArrayThe original message that was signed.
signatureStdSignatureThe signature object to verify.

Example Usage

const chainId = "cosmoshub-4";
const signer = "cosmos1...";
const data = "This is a test message";
const signature = {
pub_key: { type: "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1", value: "..." },
signature: "...",

const isValid = await keplr.verifyArbitrary(chainId, signer, data, signature);

console.log("Is signature valid?", isValid);