Use with SecretJS
Detecting Keplr
Keplr API may be undefined immediately after the webpage loads. Ensure you follow the guidelines in the How to detect Keplr section before proceeding.
Installing SecretJS Package
To install the secretjs
package, use either npm or Yarn:
- npm
- Yarn
npm install secretjs
yarn add secretjs
Connecting with SecretJS
The core usage of SecretJS is basically similar to using CosmJS. Refer to the Use with CosmJS section if you need more details.
One key difference is that SecretJS utilizes Keplr's EnigmaUtils
for encryption and decryption. This ensures that decrypted transaction messages are displayed to users in a human-readable format.
Basic Setup
Before interacting with SecretJS, it is recommended to enable the Keplr:
const CHAIN_ID = "secret-1";
await keplr.enable(CHAIN_ID);
Initialize SecretJS
const offlineSigner = keplr.getOfflineSigner(CHAIN_ID, signOptions);
const accounts = await offlineSigner.getAccounts();
// Retrieve EnigmaUtils for encryption/decryption.
const enigmaUtils = keplr.getEnigmaUtils(CHAIN_ID);
// Initialize the SecretJS client with Keplr's offline signer and EnigmaUtils.
const secretjs = new SecretNetworkClient({
chainId: CHAIN_ID,
wallet: offlineSigner,
walletAddress: accounts[0].address,
encryptionUtils: enigmaUtils,
Even when using SecretJS, you can leverage Keplr’s native API to customize signing options. For more details, refer to the Sign Options section.
Managing SNIP-20 Tokens in Keplr
Adding a SNIP-20 Token
To request user permission to add a SNIP-20 token to Keplr's token list, use the following method:
function suggestToken(
chainId: string,
contractAddress: string
): Promise<void>
- If the user accepts, the token will be added to their Keplr wallet.
- If the user rejects, an error will be thrown.
- If the token is already registered, no action will be taken.
Retrieving a SNIP-20 Viewing Key
To obtain the viewing key of a SNIP-20 token registered in Keplr, use:
chainId: string,
contractAddress: string
): Promise<string>;
- Returns the viewing key of the specified SNIP-20 token.
- Throws an error if the token is not registered in Keplr.